Rotating an object is such a common operation, but the underlying math can be tricky. We are lucky that many tools and libraries simplify this task so that we don’t have to think too much. But understanding the mechanics behind these functions can still be fun and useful. Here, we will start with the basics of trigonometry, then move on to practical methods for handling rotation in 2D and 3D.


<aside> 💡 There are cases where necessary functions, like in GLSL, are not present. You may have no problem in a city where you can easily get lighters, but knowing the principle of fire-making could help you survive on a deserted island. GLSLのように必要な関数が用意されてない場合もあります。ライターが売ってる都会では必要なくても、火おこしの原理を覚えておけば無人島でも生きていけるかもしれません。


Rotation and Trigonometry 回転と三角関数

Quaternion クォータニオン


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